Ahimsa is the ancient principle of nonviolence which applies to all living beings.
Our concierge style doctor's office also offers a much different experience from the traditional medical clinic. In traditional medical practices, a doctor or a group of doctors only see patients with health insurance whom they are in-network with. A concierge style office does not require health insurance for service. In our concierge style office, Dr. Baid will see the patients and take a cash fee for their service. Simple and honest, we stand by this approach to medicine through and through.
At Ahimsa MD, we always evaluate key components of health during each visit:
nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, relationships.
Our Philosophy
Dr. Baid believes in treating every illness or symptom with a whole body approach to medicine.
She firmly believes in bringing both her warmth and medical expertise when treating her patients. While following evidence-based guidelines, her approach to medicine is always in effort to be as sustainable and plant-based as possible. She will always seek to integrate any of her patient's health issues with a more holistic approach in order to succesfully treat all acute & chronic illnesses.